How to Use Circuit in Hfss for Antenna Design

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Ansys HFSS Includes simulation of circuits to design and validate electronic systems with greater efficiency

11 April 2014

The users of Ansys HFSS can reduce time and costs at the same time that optimise the complete performance of the electronic system, thanks to the linear simulation of circuits included in the last version of the software. With a flow of work of simulation more optimised, the engineers are free to devote time to optimise the reliability of the system and to the quality of the signal, as well as analyse the electromagnetic interferences. The new options of product of HFSS for the analyses of radiofrecuencia (RF) and integrity of signal (IF) also are available. This does even more complete the design of the electronic devices of high frequency (HF) and high speed.

During a lot of years, the engineers have used distinct technologies and realizar big number of proofs of laboratory to design wireless and electronic devices. Without embardo, with the increase of the speed and the density of the products, the electromagnetic analysis, fast and precise, has turned into essential to predict the effects of HF that neglected the simulation of traditional circuits, like the joined up electrical, the electromagnetic interference and the radiation. The last version of HFSS with simulation of circuits tackles these challenges combining the precision of the electromagnetic analysis with the speed and capacity of the simulation of circuits, offering a complete vision of the design to level of systems.

�For our customers is important to analyse quickly the complete electromagnetic system, including components of the circuit and electronic models of high fidelity�, comments Larry Williams, director of management of product of Ansys. �This update of product, together with our recent announcement of Ansys SIwave, remarks our vision to offer to our customers a flow of complete work and homog�neo and an approach of development of products through the simulation for the design of products�.


The new characteristics offer flow of complete work for the design of radiofrecuencia, microwaves, antenna and integrity of signal.

Combine HFSS with the simulation of circuits is beneficial for the design of radiofrecuencia more complex, microwaves and electronic, because the equipment of engineering can study multiple results in greater systems, expanding the size and scope of his designs. The signal of antenna and the detection of networks, circuits of microwaves and wireless channels of radius, essential in a lot of devices of electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers of consumption, can analyse and optimise quickly. Besides, the software bears the integral design of integrity of signal (IF), allowing the interconnection of lines of transmission in waterfall, connectors, circuits printed matter, ports and packages of circuits printed matter.

The technical novelties of the product include:

  • Ansys HFSS Includes now linear circuits with Ansys Optimetrics integrated to design complete systems, complementing his 3-D traditional and the recently entered interfaces 3-D and the solver of method of moments 2.5-D.
  • When combining with HFSS, the new option Ansys RF offers a flow of simulation of radiofrecuencia of high performance that includes harmonic balance of simulation of circuits for the analysis of circuits of microwaves no linear, synthesis of filter and motors of analysis of DC, transition, oscillator, impedance and wrapping.
  • The new option Ansys IF for HFSS offers a complete solution of simulation of signal and integrity of power from the component to the system. It includes analysis of circuit DC and of transition, modelling IBIS-AMI, analysis of statistical eye, support for simulation Synopsys HSPICE and the innovative engine of simulation of finite elements HFSS 3-D for reflectometr�a of command of the time (TDR) and visualisation of electromagnetic fields in 3-D.

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How to Use Circuit in Hfss for Antenna Design


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